Black Americans in South Carolina don’t want to work?

In these horrible economic times, do our Representatives really believe Black Americans in South Carolina don’t want to work?  Is that why they’re going to admit another one million immigrant workers next year to take jobs in places like South Carolina?  Those are the questions this provocative TV ad from Numbers USA asks.  It has Americans all over the country and right here in South Carolina asking our leaders what they really believe. 

If you haven’t seen the ad, please click below to watch it now.  And then tell your senators and congressmen about it.  But don’t stop there.  Forward it to your friends and reporters, post it on websites.  If we all push this ad out there at the same time, we can have real impact.  And start reducing mass immigration and saving jobs for Americans.  All Americans. 

October 2012 TV Ad

Want to know more?  Here are the facts.  More than 20 million Americans still can’t find jobs.  And while all Americans have been hurt, minority Americans with less education have been disproportionately affected.  Think about this.  About 15% of all African Americans and Hispanic Americans are unemployed.   That’s close to double the average for all American workers.  Yet our leaders will stand by and raise no objection to bringing in another 1 million immigrant workers next year to take jobs, again.  Crazy isn’t it. 
Why in the world would we bring in more people next year who need jobs when Americans right here in South Carolina can’t find work?  Why would we bring in more people next year when the immigrant workers we admitted last year haven’t been able to find jobs?  It just doesn’t make any sense.  The good news is, you can do something about it, right now.
Please help Numbers USA and our more than one and a half million members across the country spread the word by forwarding this TV spot to everyone you know, including your Congressional representatives.  Together, we can have big impact.  Who knows, the job you save could be your own.