HR 45 Blair Holt Firearms Act Of 2009

I am outraged at the current administration. They are doing everything they can to take away our constitutional rights. The Bush admin was bashed for the Patriot Act as a loss of freedom, when in fact it may have prevented terrorist attacks. The Obama admin is whittling away at every right we have and they are doing on the sly. Is this what the democrats have in mind so they can institute control over the population. Eventually we not be citizens we will be subjects. Leave my guns alone quit taking away my rights. Congress still doesn't get it. Americans are getting fed up with their under handed tricks. They are wasting our money, time and future while they sit on their fat self righteous butts and we pay them to screw us over. Hey Congress wake up, you work for us and you are about to be fired start cleaning out your desk. Below is a brief out line of the act. I suggest you go online and read the bill for yourself. Those who don't own guns or are in favor of more gun control regulation watch out something you care about might be next. Tell Congress to keep their hands off our constitutional rights. I suggest reading the information on this website and lots of other sites offering more insight into the HR 45 Blair Holt Firearms Act Of 2009. Did anyone hear about this on the news media?

You are fingerprinted
You supply a current Driver's License
You supply your Social Security #
You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing
Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail.
Guns must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18.
The Government would have the right to come and "inspect" that you are storing your gun safely away from children punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison.

I agree that guns should be safely stored, that's called personal responsibility. That is some thing Congress thinks we are incapable of because we are stupid and don't have the intelligence of legislator.